Willkommen im Deutsch im Netz: Musik
Welcome to German on the Web: Music
February 1997,  updated April 2005
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Musik in Deutschland *******Music in Germany

This site in intended to help you learn German by providing links to websites containing Audio and Music Samples that can be heard in streaming audio or downloaded to your local computer.  Many have accompanying text that you can read along as you listen.
1. Pitmen
2.BMG Audio Samples 9. Klassik Online
3. Hoferband 10. Rund um's Alphorn
4. Der Looppool  11. Maschendrahtzaun
5.Musik im Lernetz
12.  Stiefelbein Bluhs-Bänd
6. Sony MusikDeutschland
13. Oom Pah Kappelle
7. Dandywarhols

Deutschsprachiges Liederverzeichnis
German Language Song Index

Some of the units on this page are guided Webexercises with questions you can answer by browsing the website links provided.  This page is under constant construction.

Some of the links here lead to pages about music: all genres that stem from, or are currently practiced in German speaking domains.  If you know of a site that should be added to this page please contact the webmaster.




1. Pitmen

Ruhrpott Psychobilly
Punk rock of good quality. Sadly, only two of their songs are in German:
Schlucker Billy (audio and text)
Doppelleben (text)

2.BMG Artist Collection

This site contains samples of music by German speaking/singing artists.

  Links with this symbol are streaming music or comedy files that can be listened to immediately.

  Links with this symbol are .wav files that take some time to download to your computer, but they sound better and may be saved to your local drive.

  Links with this symbol are movies that take a while to download and may be saved to the local drive.

Was ist das Album der Woche für Deutschland? ( http://www.bmg.de )
Was ist das Album der Woche für die Schweiz? ( http://www.bmg.ch )
Was ist das Album der Woche für Österreich? ( http://www.bmg.at )
Wie unterscheiden sich diese drei Seiten?  Haben sie dieselben "New Releases"?

3. Geom. Hofer & Band - Hoferband
Click on the link "Instant play" then on "Song Lyrics".  You can listen to the song through Real Audio as you read the song lyrics.
Read and listen to: Freitag Willi no a Bier    by Geom. Hofer & Band - Hoferband
Click here to do this exercise online
Click on the picture to do this exercise online
Welche 10 Leute sind dabei? Which 10 people are there?
Welche 9 Leute sind erwähnt aber nicht dabei? Which 10 people arementioned, but not there?
Was merkt der Sänger nach seinem ersten Glas Bier? What does the singer notice after his first beer?
Was merkt er nach dem Vierten? What does he notice after the fourth?
Wieviele Gläser Bier trinkt der Sänger an diesem Freitag Abend?  How many glasses of beer does the singer drink on this Friday evening?

Übersetzen Sie das Lied ins Hochdeutsch.  Translate this song into High German.

4. Der Looppool   Hyper-Poesie und Sound interaktiv!!
5. Musik:  Lernetz  

6. Sony Musik Deutschland

8.  Grönemeyer

9. Klassik Online

Click here: Thomas Karsten

 Click here:   Lyriks of Lieder

10. Rund um's Alphorn

Die Philosophie
Die Geschichte
Find the following statement to complete the missing information.

"Um einen Ton zu erzeugen braucht es nicht nur das Instrument, es braucht auch noch den Menschen dahinter."

Bilder Gallerie

Was sind die zwei Alphorn Typen? What are the two types of Alphorns?

11.  Maschen-Draht-Zaun


12. Stiefelbein Bluhs-Bänd

Click on "Service" to reach the music and lyrics online.  Viennese dialect.

13. Oom Pah Kappelle Musik

Die lebendige, farbenreiche, und unterhaltende Kunst deutscher oom-pah Kapelle Musik.  Click on the song titles to hear great German Oom Pah tunes.  (Note: these songs may sound better, smoother, if you save the file and play it from your hard drive.)

14.  MP3s from German Artists:  http://www.mp3.com/listings/regions/europe/germany/

15. Airbäg Funkrock in Berner Dialekt

16.  Bagage Funkrock in Nordbayrisher Dialekt


14. Musikvideos auf Yahoo


15. Yellow and Green

Acappella. Leichtsinnige Songs mit tiefsinnigen Moderationen.

Other German Music on the Internet

Prager Handgriff  German industrial band


Musik Online

Musikszene Weimar

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Lizz Caplan-Carbin's
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