Serienscheine: das schöne Notgeld |
Notgeld der Stadt Glauchau Dieser Gutschein
wird an allen städtischen Kassen in Zahlung genommen. Er verliert
seine Gültigkein einen Monat nach erfolgter Bekanntmachung der
Stadtrat. gezeichnet von Jacob Kinder |
Glauchau in Sachsen: A city wall and gate flanked by a crescent-moon and a small shield (showing the arms of the Lords of Schönberg, to whom the city belonged in the 14th century.) The shield probably replaced the sun, as sun and crescent were commonly used on medieval seals as symbols of eternity (day and night). (source)
Animals: Owls | Food | Legends | Towers | Scherenschnitt | |
German Series Note Directory |
Vorige | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Nächste |
Notgeld: Emergency Money | Serienscheine: Banknotes issued in series especially for rare currency collectors.