Get a great start learning Italian Online.

  • CIA World Fact Book Italy

    CIA Factbook ItalyCIA Fact Book Italy

    Detailed information about nine key areas of Italian life and culture and 153 photos.

  • Cyber Italian

    Cyber ItalianCyber Italian

    Demos of fee-based courses with dialogues, audio clips, pronunciation guides, voice recording system, videos, exercises , and easy grammatical explanations

  • Fan-o-funny


    Funny cartoons with Italian titles. Easy to understand.


  • BBC Italian

    BBC ItalianBBC Italian

    Although BBC no longer updates their languages pages, their existing programs are outstanding.

  • Electronic Italian Classroom

    Electronic Italian ClassroomElectronic Italian Classroom

    Free on-line, useful information on difficult aspects of the Italian language to students, teachers, translators, writers.

  • Italian Tutorials

    Hawaiian WordsItalian Tutorials

    Italian Grammar in easy to read text form.

  • Jim's Italian Links

    Mo'o and Lolo's Hawaiian DictionaryJim's Italian Links

    Professor Jim Becker's collection of Italian Internet resources

  • Italian Lessons

    Italian LessonsItalian Lessons

    Italy Magazine provides easy and interesting Italian lesson.

  • Internet Picture Dictionary -Italian

    Internet Picture Dictionary - ItalianInternet Picture Dictionary - Italian

    Input Hawaiian terms to find English definitions; input English terms to find Hawaiian equivalents.

  • Italian Translation Games

    Italian Translations GamesItalian Translation Games

     Italian word translation games, language resources, practice exercises, lessons, worksheets & interactive quizzes with audio for students & teachers

  • La Grammatica Italiana

    La Grammatica ItalianaLa Grammatica Italiana

    Explanations of the basic structures of Italian grammar with exercises to practice what you learn.

  • Oggi E Domani

    Oggi E DomaniOggi E Domani

    An interactive course that makes Italian easy to learn. Includes 20 lessons with audio, exercises, and more.

  • Quia Italian Activities

    Italian Quia ActivitiesItalian Quia Activities

    Quia games are made by numerous Italian teachers and learners. They're fun and educational.

  • Vacanze


    A 20-part comic strip about an Italian family on vacation.

  • Zap Italian

    Zap ItalianZap Italian
    A resource for those interested in learning the Italian language.

Italian food
Venitian landscape
Italian landscape

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