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Finnish for Foreigners
Useful information for a Finnish learner plus links to additional Finnish language resources.
Suomea, ole hyvä
Finnish Grammar in Finnish.
Twelve full units of Finnish lessons with audio, video, and exercises.
Tavataan Tas
The Finnish Tutor
Essential Finnish grammar clearly and simply explained in English.
Finnish for Busy People
Three levels of Finnish grammar and vocabulary.
Venla Finnish for Foreigners
The essentials of the Finnish language. Text lessons with simple dialogues, vocabulary and a bit of grammar.
A very short Finnish grammar
The essentials of Finnish grammar.
Uuno and Uuno2
Language learning material, created primarily to teach foreign exchange students something about the Finnish language and culture before they come to Finland.
Finnish-English Exercises
Quizzes to Help You Learn and Review Vocabulary
This is a part of The Internet TESL Journal's Activities for ESL Students
In Finnish
34 Youtube video lessons to help you learn Finnish online.