Get a great start learning Russian Online.
Alphabet of Russian
Learn the sounds of the Russian alphabet. Russian
Free on line phrase translator in and out of 25 different languages,with interface in Russian.
Becker's Best Russian links
An extensive, well-established directory of resources collected by a dedicated teacher of Russian.
Bridge to Russia
Russian vocabulary through visual stimulation with an interesting approach.
Cornell's Russian Web
Course materials, web resources, and innovative programs for the study and research of Russian language and literature.
Dictionary of the Human Body
Cornell University's interactive Russian-English dictionary of phrases describing the appearance, movements, moods, and injuries of human beings.
Lexicon Bridge
Offers tons of free interactive videos, plus more extensive and organized video series for advanced or dedicated learners of Russian.
Lora's Russian Dialogs
Cute stories designed for first year Russian students. Includes access to grammar and vocabulary resources provided by Cornell University.
Mini-videos in Russian
91 video excerpts from the Russian comedy serial Shest' Kadrov
Russian Grammar
A thorough (but strictly textual) digital grammar book of Russian for beginners.
Russian vocabulary building games for beginners.
Also includes games for advanced learners.
TV and Radio from Russia
A selection of state-owned and independent Russian broadcasters stream radio news, current events, entertainment, and sport broadcasts originating from a number of cities including Moscow.
Master Russian
Free grammar lessons, useful vocabulary words and phrases, helpful tips on learning the Russian language, and hand-picked links to the best Web sites about the Russian language.
Quick Fix Russian - BBC
The BBC presents essential phrases for a great start at beginning Russian. Great for travelers to Russia.
Great start!
Russian Picture Dictionary
Explore the world of Russian vocabulary in this guide with excellent mouse-over sound. Improve your vocabulary mastery by completing challenges. Great start!
Practice Russian
Russian Internet Radio
Live streaming news and entertainment broadcasts from Moscow and a few other cities inside Russia and several outside of Russia.
Russian Case Exercises
designed for students who understand Swedish and have a basic knowledge of Russian
Russian for Russians
Lessons for heritage learners.
Bilingual recipes, correspondence, literature, and more for German learners of Russian, Russian learners of German, or any learners of both.
Russian Language Mentor
A self-paced Russian Language Maintenance and Development Curriculum intended for intermediate to advanced Russian linguists.
Russian Live TV
Russian language broadcast from Bloomberg/CNN
Russian Language Games - Quia
Over 100 great learning games made by dozens of Russian language teachers using the Quia suite of games. All levels.
Cyrillic Pronunciation Guide
Downloads the audio files to your computer.
Russian resources
Useful resources from a Russian teacher including grammar tutorials, exercises, and puzzles.
BBC Russian Guide
Beginning and intermediate material for a fun start or refresher of Russian.
Russian Radio Liberty
Providing news about Russia in English.
Slavic Grammar Resources
Duke University provides this set of reference grammars for advanced language users and linguists to compare semantic categories across languages.
Slavic Study Trails
University of North Carolina-Greensboro. This is the earliest directory of Slavic resources online.
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