Get a great start learning Chinese Online.

  • Arch Chinese

    Learn Chinese CharactersArch Chinese

    A Chinese learning system showing animated character stroke order. Generate your own worksheets and print vocabulary flash cards.

  • Chinese Characters

    Chinese CharactersChinese Characters

    Learn the Chinese characters and hear the sounds. Extensive lessons in traditional and simplified Chinese.

  • Chinese Characters

    Estonian Language GamesChinese Characters: A Genealogy and Dictionary

    Wonderfully detailed information about Chinese characters delivered within readings.


  • Chinese Character Dictionary

    Chinese Character DictionaryChinese Character Dictionary

    Look up words in English, Cantonese, or Pinyan.

  • Introduction to Pinyan

    Introduction to PinyanIntroduction to Pinyan

    Useful pronunciation and character lessons with audio provided free by the subscription service, Chinese Pod.

  • Pinyan Practice

    Pinyan PracticePinyan Practice

    Great Mandarin pronunciation exercises and learning materials. Part of an extensive blog about the Chinese Language

  • Chinese Character Geneology

    Estonian Language GamesChinese Characters: A Genealogy and Dictionary

    Wonderfully detailed information about Chinese characters delivered within readings.

  • Chinese Children's Stories in HD

    Latvian AlphabetChinese Stories

    BookBox brings you this collection of charming stories in Mandarin for children.  Subtitles make it easy to read along and learn the Chinese words.

  • Chinese Hangman Vocabulary

    Chinese Hangman GameChinese Hangman Vocabulary Game

    Great game for intermediate learners. Useful as a guessing game for beginners, too / /.


  • Chinese Idioms

    Chinese Voice ThreadChinese Idioms

    Chinese Idioms categorized by Pinyan.

  • Chinese Voice Thread

    Chinese Voice ThreadChinese Pronunciation Practice with Voice Thread

    Listen to Chinese word pronunciations and then record your own voice to add to the others.

  • Clear Chinese

    Clear Chinese Mandarin LessonsClear Chinese

    15 units of Mandarin Chinese lessons, including audio and grammar notes, with dialogs and phrases in Chinese characters, English, and Pinyin.

  • Learning Chinese Online

    Learning Chinese OnlineLearning Chinese Online

    A very extensive directory for all the Chinese learning sites available Online.

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